Algo que começou no Serengeti: sobre rostos, na arte e no cérebro

Our faces, which we take so much for granted as we shave or apply makeup each morning, are a powerful and privileged component of our nature, with an important role in evolution, social life, and art. For centuries, artists implicitly understood this significance of the face by arousing our perceptions and reactions with portraits of all kinds. With modern techniques we are now beginning to understand how the brain’s structure and operation reflect the centrality of faces in daily lives—a lesson first learned many thousands of years ago on the Serengeti Plains as early humans grappled with urgent issues of self-preservation based on the non-linguistic gestures of other humans.”

(...) importa (i) recordar os princípios da neurociência, (ii) ter presente a organização funcional do cérebro humano e (iii) conhecer um mapa da mente humana.


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