A imagem na ciência e na arte

"Why do humans create artworks? Why are we moved by beauty? Neuroaesthetics is a young research area that tries to answer these questions from within the theoretical framework of Neurology. It explores the neuro- physiological and evolutionary basis of our aesthetic experience, for what concerns both the production and fruition of artworks and beauty. In this sense, it offers a privileged and peculiar field of encounter between Science and Art. Generally accused of reductionism, it is a controversial field of research that defeats our conception of Art as one of the most sublime expressions of human creativity.
This book offers a critical introduction to Neuroaesthetics and it aims at contributing to the ongoing debate on the philosophical soundness of this discipline and its relevance for the comprehension of aesthetic experience... "

Da contracapa

Adenda (mensagem recebida)
portada heidegger 2.fw
Nem de propósito, meu caro, nem de propósito, sorte a minha! Acabo de receber esta revista de estudos heideggerianos (já passei os olhos por todos os artigos), mas vou demorar-me um tempinho por aqui: na origem da obra de arte.


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