Rethinking education

"Education and training play a key role for Europe's strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, Europe 2020. To unlock the full potential of education as a driver for growth and jobs, Member States must pursue reforms to boost both the performance and efficiency of their education systems. 

This Education and Training Monitor is a new analytical tool that provides the empirical evidence to underpin this reform agenda. It is a succinct yet comprehensive overview of the core indicators on education and training systems in Europe, enabling the reader to compare and contrast recent progress as well as identify the immediate challenges for Member State.

It supports the Commission Communication "Rethinking Education", and is part of a package of Staff Working Documents that elaborate on the education dimension of Europe 2020. It is also integral to a larger initiative bringing existing EU-level cooperation in education and training ("ET 2020") in line with Europe 2020 objectives." 
AQUI o documento completo. 


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